Adnow Version 2 Demo

  Click HERE to view demo for Administrators

  Click HERE to view demo for Advertisers

To log in as an advertiser, you must first lcreate a user from the administrator screen. To create a user, access the admin demo and click on "add company". Assign the user name and password to the company that you created. After you create a user, visit the demo screen for advertiser. You are ready to log in as an advertiser using the user name and password you just created. Have fun!

  Click HERE to view how banner are showing on your page.
[All data are from demo]

Screen Shots
Administrators • Advertisers:

1. Login with your user name and password.

Login Page


2. Can view and edit statistics of advertising strategy.

View and Edit Statistics


3. The detail view of each advertisement.

Advertisement View Page


4. You can view and edit company profile.

View and Edit Company Profile


5. You can change password.

Change Password


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