Is Clicksee Adnow Version 2 compatible with Active Server Pages
Clicksee Adnow Version 2 is 100% compatible with ASP because Adnow
Version 2 is written in ASP.
Can Clicksee Adnow Version 2 run on HTML webpages?
No, Clicksee Adnow Version 2 runs on ASP ONLY.
How can my advertiser view their statistics via the web?
The clients must log in via the Advertiser Log-in screen with a
username and a password assigned by you.
What are the minimum requirements for Clicksee Adnow Version 2.0?
Windows NT 4.0/ Windows 2000 Server
IIS 3.0 or later
ODBC and MS Access (or MS SQL) support
What databases are supported by Clicksee Adnow Version 2.0?
Clicksee Adnow currently supports the following databases:
MS SQL 7.0/2000
MS Access 97/2000
What browser versions support Clicksee Adnow Version 2.0?
Internet Explorer Version 4.0 (or newer) or Netscape Navigator Version
4.0 (or newer).
What image file types does Clicksee Adnow Version 2 support?
Clicksee Adnow Version 2 supports all file types that the browser
supports. For example, Gif, Animated Gif, JPEG.
Does Clicksee Adnow Version 2 support HTML banners?
Yes, Clicksee Adnow Version 2 supports HTML banners.
Does Clicksee Adnow Version 2 support Rich Media banners?
Yes, Clicksee Adnow Version 2 supports Flash banners, Rich Media
and Java Applets. Clicksee Adnow Version 2 even supports 3rd party
ad serve and Text ads.
What platforms does Adnow Version 2.0 support?
Adnow Version 2.0 supports Windows NT and Windows 2000 platforms.
Do I need to have physical access to the server?
No, one of the major features of the Clicksee Adnow Version 2 is
that the installation is done over the FTP.
With Clicksee Adnow Version 2, how can I setup a banner with a text
hyperlink below it?
Setup the banner and in order to have text appear under the banner,
the text MUST be typed in the Text Message box on the Add
An Advertiser interface.
Is the Clicksee Adnow Version 2 software Case Sensitive?
The entire Adnow Version 2 is NOT Case Sensitive.
Can Advertisers login and view their statistics in real-time?
Yes, the administrator will be able to assign a username and a
password for each advertiser.
Can Clicksee Adnow Version 2 serve sites that are not on the same
Can I run multiple banners on a given page?
Yes, you can setup banners/buttons of multiple sizes and
assign them to different locations within the same page.
